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Eurocodes: Building the future

Eurocode 6: Background and applications



This workshop contributed towards the transfer of background knowledge and expertise of Eurocode 6 writers (CEN/TC250/SC6) to potential trainers on national level. The principal objectives of the workshop were to:

  • transfer knowledge and information to representatives of key organisations/institutions, industry and technical associations involved in training on the Eurocodes in Member States;
  • enhance the training potential of the Member States by providing state-of-the-art training material and background information;
  • contribute to the consistent and timely implementation of the Eurocodes;
  • facilitate exchange of views, networking and cooperation.

The workshop was organised by the European Commission, Enterprise and Industry Directorate-General and Joint Research Centre, with the support of CEN/TC250, CEN Management Centre and Member States.

Training Materials

Eurocode 6: Background and applications - zip file
(18.57 MB - ZIP)
Additional material: EC6_2009_flyer
(473.28 KB - PDF)

List of documents


Thursday, 2 April 2009

  1. EU Legislation/Standardisation for construction
    EU Legislation/Standardisation for construction
  2. Eurocodes implementation and further development: JRC support
    Eurocodes implementation and further development: JRC support
  3. The Eurocodes: a landmark for the construction industry
    The Eurocodes: a landmark for the construction industry
  4. Eurocodes and National Annexes (including EN 1990 and EN 1991)
    Eurocodes and National Annexes (including EN 1990 and EN 1991)

Friday, 3 April 2009

  1. Unreinforced masonry, compressive loading
    Unreinforced masonry, compressive loading

    B. Haseltine, Jenkins and Potter (slide presentation, design example)

  2. Unreinforced masonry, combined loading
    Unreinforced masonry, combined loading
  3. Unreinforced masonry, shear loading
    Unreinforced masonry, shear loading

    W. Jäger, Jäger Ingenieure GmbH (slide presentation, design example)

  4. Unreinforced masonry, lateral loading
    Unreinforced masonry, lateral loading

    J. Roberts, Technical Innovation Consultancy ( slide presentation, design example )

  5. Reinforced masonry
    Reinforced masonry
  6. Calibration to obtain NDPs
    Calibration to obtain NDPs
  7. Closing remarks - evolution
    Closing remarks - evolution
  8. The Eurocodes: a landmark for the construction industry
    The Eurocodes: a landmark for the construction industry