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Eurocodes: Building the future


Abbreviations and definitions.


BRCW Basic Requirements for Construction Works
CEN Comité Européen de Normalisation (European Standardisation Organisation)
CEN/TC 250 CEN/TC 250 - CEN Technical Committee 250 "Structural Eurocodes"
CCMC CEN-CENELEC Management Centre 
CPR Construction Products Regulation (305/2011)
DAV Date of availability of the EN Standard []
DoW Date of withdrawal of a conflicting national Standards []
EAD European Assessment Document
ECTP European Construction Technology Platform
EEA European Economic Area
EFTA European Free Trade Area
EN European Standard
EN Eurocode Version of Eurocode approved by CEN as a European Standard
ENC Eurocodes National Correspondents
ENV European pre-Standard
ENV Eurocode Version of Eurocode published by CEN as a pre-Standard ENV (for subsequent conversion into EN)
EOTA European Organisation for Technical Assessment
ESO European Standardisation Organisations
ESTEP European Steel Technology Platform
ETA European Technical Assessment
FP Framework Programme
hEN Harmonised European Standard
ISO International Organization for Standardisation
NCCI Non-Contradictory Complementary Information for the use of EN Eurocodes at the National level
NDP Nationally Determined Parameter
NSB National Standardisation Body, recognized at the national level, that is eligible to be the CEN National Member []
PPD Public Procurement Directive
SC Subcommittee
SCC Standing Committee on Construction
TC Technical Committee
TAB Technical Assessment Body

