In 2012, DG GROW of the European Commission issued the Mandate M/515 for a detailed work programme for amending existing Eurocodes and extending the scope of structural Eurocodes. The work of CEN/Technical Committee (TC) 250 “Structural Eurocodes” (CEN/TC 250) under the Mandate M/515 started in 2016. CEN/TC 250 successfully completed the largest Standardisation Request under M/515 at the end of 2022.
The definitive text of second generation EN Eurocode parts in the official language versions will be distributed by the Central Secretariat to National Standards Bodies (NSBs) as soon possible after Formal Vote and no later than 30 March 2026 (Date of availability - DAV).
All second generation EN Eurocodes will have a Date of publication (DoP) of 30 September 2027. DoP is the latest date by which an EN standard has to be implemented at national level (by publication of an identical national standard or by endorsement)
All second generation EN Eurocodes will have a Date of withdrawal (DoW) of 30 March 2028. DoW is the latest date by which national standards conflicting with the EN (i.e. in this case first generation Eurocode parts) have to be withdrawn.
More details, and the list of Eurocode parts whose definitive text is available as of October 2023, are given in the CEN/TC 250 Letter available below in this page.
All Formal Votes will be concluded, and the new standards made available to NSBs, by early 2026. At a national level, new national annexes will need to be developed and transition plans enacted by relevant authorities.
The road to the second generation Eurocodes: where are we?
Discover the availability of all new Eurocodes parts!
The second generation Eurocode parts are being finalised and distributed to National Standards Bodies by CEN, after the closure of all the Formal Votes, before the 30 March 2026.
Check the status of each second generation Eurocode and their single parts
The works to develop the second generation of the Eurocodes ensure they continue to be the most advanced state-of-the-art codes for structural design in the world.
What is new?
Get a glimpse of the new content and key changes in the Eurocodes second generation.
Research and Innovation
The European Laboratory for Structural Assessment (ELSA) of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) is giving an important contribution to the development and updating of the Eurocodes.