The European Commission has supported, from the very beginning in 1975, the elaboration of the Eurocodes, and contributed to the funding of their drafting. The creation of the Eurocodes has been widely supported by the European scientific and technical communities. The extensive interaction between CEN Technical Committee 250 “Structural Eurocodes” (CEN/TC250) and the national and international scientific and technical institutions and organizations gave the opportunity to build Eurocodes on best European practice, expertise and research achievements.
The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC) provides a scientific contribution to the Eurocodes since 1992. The first building designed with Eurocodes was constructed and tested at the European Laboratory for Structural Assessment (ELSA) of the Institute of Protection and Security of Citizens in Italy, in 1994, and from then on more than 20 reference tests were carried out aiming at calibration and further development of the Eurocodes.
Since March 2005 the JRC provides scientific and technical support to DG GROW in the frame of Administrative Arrangements on the Eurocodes. The mission initially devoted to the JRC included: support for the national implementation and harmonisation of the Eurocodes, support for the training, international promotion and further development of the Eurocodes. Since 2015 the scope of the JRC contribution has been extended to support policies and standards for sustainable construction.
Administrative Arrangements 2018 - 2022 with DG GROW
A series of Administrative Arrangements was agreed with DG GROW for the period 2018-2018. The works entailed five main activities and pursued two objectives, as follows:
Objective A. Further harmonization and evolution of policies and technical tools in the field of sustainable construction:
- IT support for the implementation and monitoring of the current and next generation of Eurocodes and other policies/tools;
- Facilitating the practical implementation and harmonized use of the Eurocodes and other policies/tools;
- New fields of application
- Development of a fire engineering approach to be incorporated in fire safety regulations of the EU Member States.
Objective B. Promotion of the construction sector outside the EU:
- Fostering and coordinating the promotion of Eurocodes, European energy efficiency and resource efficiency policies and tools outside the EU.
IT Tools
Within the Administrative Arrangements the JRC developed and is regularly updating a series of IT tools to support to the implementation, harmonisation and further development of the Eurocodes, namely:
- the current Eurocodes website;
- the Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs) database;
- the Background Documents database;
- the Centralised Eurocodes helpdesk.
In order to achieve an adequate application of the EN Eurocodes, Member States, National Standardisation Bodies, Technical and Scientific Organisations and the construction industry must be ready to use them. To this end, extensive continuing training is required.
Training of staff is the responsibility of Industry, in cooperation with National Authorities and National Standardisation Bodies.
In order to assure consistency between Member States and to facilitate transfer of knowledge between Eurocodes writers (CEN/TC250 SCs and PTs) and potential national trainers (building officials, industry, scientific community, technical organisations) the European Commission is supporting the writing and publication of promotional material on the Eurocodes (leaflets and booklets) and is organising a number of training/promotion seminars/conferences in collaboration with CEN/TC250 and its SCs, Member States and interested industry.
This web site serves as platform for exchange and dissemination of training and promotional material.