The National Standard transposing the EN Eurocode Part, when published by a National Standardisation Body, will be composed of the EN Eurocode text (preceded by a National Title page and by a National Foreword), generally followed by a National Annex. The NSBs should normally publish a National Annex, on behalf of and with the agreement of the national competent authorities.
A National Annex is not necessary if an EN Eurocode Part contains no choice open for Nationally Determined Parameters, or if an EN Eurocode Part is not relevant for the Member State (e.g. seismic design for some countries).
A National Annex is neither necessary if a Member State has adopted the recommended values provided in an EN Eurocode part as Nationally Determined Parameters applicable in its territory. Information, for instance in the foreword of the EN Eurocode part concerned, indicating that the recommended values are applicable should be sufficient in such a case.
The National Annex may be attached to the body of the corresponding EN Eurocode Part. But it has also to be kept accessible (sold) separately from the body of the EN Eurocodes Parts.