EN 1997 Eurocode 7 shall be applied to the geotechnical aspects OF the design of buildings and other civil engineering works and shall be used in conjunction with EN 1990:2002 that establishes the principles and requirements for safety and serviceability, describes the basis of design and verification and gives guidelines for related aspects of structural reliability
EN 1997-1:2004 | Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design - Part 1: General rules |
EN 1997-2:2007 | Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design - Part 2: Ground investigation and testing |
Numerical values of actions on buildings and other civil engineering works to be taken into account in design are provided in EN 1991 for the various types of construction, whereas actions imposed by the ground, such as earth pressures and by ground water, shall be calculated according to the rules of EN 1997.
Separate European Standards shall be used to treat matters of execution and workmanship. In EN 1997 execution is covered to the extent that is necessary to comply with the assumptions of the design rules. EN 1997 does not cover the special requirements of seismic design. EN 1998 provides additional rules for geotechnical seismic design, which complete or adapt the rules of this Standard.
Second generation Eurocode 7: training materials are available on NEN website
There is a strong interest in the second generation of Eurocode 7 across Europe and the world. For further dissemination of information about the changes in Eurocode 7, NEN has set up a webpage with free links to recordings and presentations of the previous training events and webinars.
Webinar on pile design in the second generation of Eurocode 7
Webinar on pile design in the second generation of Eurocode 7
Brunei Darussalam explores the use of the Eurocodes
EU and Brunei explore use of construction design standards, the Eurocodes
NEN webinars on the second generation Eurocodes
For further dissemination of information about the most important changes and planning of the second generation Eurocodes, NEN has set up a webpage with links to recordings and presentations of its previous training events and webinars. Watching and downloading is free.
Foundation design with EC7: Spread foundations
Abstract only available in original language
Foundation design with EC7: Basis of geotechnical design
Abstract only available in original language