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Eurocodes: Building the future

Bridge design with Eurocodes



The main objective of the seminar is to promote the adoption of the Eurocodes for bridge design in Russia and facilitate further implementation steps.

In particular, it is envisaged that the seminar and round table discussion will serve the following objectives:

  • Provide information on policy of Eurocodes implementation to the Russian delegates;
  • Address design aspects demonstrating that Eurocodes are innovative standards;
  • Present examples of bridges designed to Eurocodes;
  • Explain why Eurocodes can lead to advanced, yet economic solutions for the design of bridges;
  • Setup of expert working groups with EU and Russian experts to facilitate implementation of Eurocodes (e.g. setting up of NDPs, drafting of National Annexes).

Training Materials

Additional material: Workshop programme
(43.69 KB - PDF)


Monday, 1 October 2012

  1. EU legislation and standardization system
    EU legislation and standardization system
  2. Present and future needs for the Federal Highway Agency in Russian Federation
    Present and future needs for the Federal Highway Agency in Russian Federation
  3. Perspectives and benefits of international cooperation in standardization
    Perspectives and benefits of international cooperation in standardization
  4. JRC activities in support of the Eurocodes
    JRC activities in support of the Eurocodes
  5. Training and retraining of experts in Eurocodes at Moscow state university of civil engineering (MGS
    Training and retraining of experts in Eurocodes at Moscow state university of civil engineering (MGSU)
  6. Basic Principles of the Eurocodes and their implementation
    Basic Principles of the Eurocodes and their implementation
  7. Explaining national calibration period: How to lay down the Nationally Determined Parameters and pre
    Explaining national calibration period: How to lay down the Nationally Determined Parameters and prepare the National Annex
  8. Design of concrete bridges
    Design of concrete bridges
  9. General Introduction to the Eurocode Bridge Parts
    General Introduction to the Eurocode Bridge Parts
  10. Actions (loading) on bridges
    Actions (loading) on bridges

Tueseday, 2 October 2012

  1. First experience of implementation EUROCODES in Belarus
    First experience of implementation EUROCODES in Belarus
  2. Design of steel and composite bridges - Highway bridges
    Design of steel and composite bridges - Highway bridges
  3. Railway Bridges; Basis of Design of railway bridges, some important points; The European High Speed
    Railway Bridges; Basis of Design of railway bridges, some important points; The European High Speed Railway Network with examples of Steel and Composite Railway Bridges
  4. Design of important bridges and other special constructions with the Eurocodes - Examples
    Design of important bridges and other special constructions with the Eurocodes - Examples

    V. de Ville - Bureau Greisch - Liege, Belgium

  5. Design of foundations for bridges: Eurocode 7 on "Geotechnical design"
    Design of foundations for bridges: Eurocode 7 on "Geotechnical design"
  6. Seismic design of bridges with Eurocode 8
    Seismic design of bridges with Eurocode 8
  7. Seismic design of bridges
    Seismic design of bridges


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