Brunei Darussalam explored the implementation of the Eurocodes through the workshop “Towards Increasing Awareness of Eurocodes in Brunei Darussalam”, held virtually on 5-6 July 2022.
The workshop was the second in a series of bilateral workshops for the Member States of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) in the framework of the EU-ASEAN Dialogue on Eurocodes. The workshops aimed at bringing forth greater awareness on the Eurocodes and their benefits, the support available, and to present success stories of their adoption.
This two-day event brought together more than 100 participants, including Brunei delegates from national authorities, standardisation bodies and engineering institutions from the construction sector, as well as academia and representatives from the EU Delegation to Indonesia and Brunei, the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN), the Joint Research Centre (JRC), experts from Europe and the ASEAN region.
The workshop resulted from an introductory event for all ASEAN Member States in June 2021, based on the expression of interest from Brunei Darussalam and E-READI’s discussion with the Authority on Building Control and Construction Industry of Brunei Darussalam (ABCi).
Highlights in the event was the participation of the Institution of Engineers in Malaysia and the Malaysian expert that shared the experience from Malaysia in the elaboration of National Annexes and adoption of Eurocodes. The best practice example of Malaysia was complemented with an example on the use of the Eurocodes in design engineering practice in Brunei - the Sultan Haji Omar Ali Saifuddien bridge designed with the Eurocodes.
The EU-ASEAN Dialogue on Eurocodes was established through a multi-annual concept note with the ASEAN Buildings and Construction Working Group and the European Commission’s JRC. The Eurocodes dialogue aims to bring a coherent approach to adopting the design standards for the construction sector across the ASEAN Member States through a regional approach. ASEAN Member States are currently at various stages of awareness of the Eurocodes concepts and their adoption at the national level.
More information on the event is available in the press release by the Delegation of the European Union to Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam.
The Enhanced Regional EU-ASEAN Dialogue Instrument is a development cooperation programme that facilitates cooperation and dialogue between the EU and ASEAN in policy areas of joint interest. Drawing on the EU’s experience of regional integration, E-READI further strengthens both the ASEAN regional integration process and the overall ASEAN-EU strategic partnership.
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- Publication date
- 12 July 2022
- Eurocodes
- Not associated with a specific Eurocode