The Background Documents Database is a source of information on the theoretical justification of the Eurocodes technical rules, on the recommendations for the NDPs and on the National decisions about the choice of the NDPs.
Background documents are of interest to Member States in the procedure of choosing their NDPs, as well as to Technical Assessment Bodies concerned with ETAs. For the general user and industry, they will give explanations of the origin of technical rules.
Background documents are useful in order to
- explain the origin of technical rules;
- justify the provisions where practical experience is insufficient;
- justify the recommended values of NDPs;
- support Member States when choosing the NDPs;
- give guidance to users;
- provide information for ETAs.
In the long term, background documents will provide information on the origin of existing rules when these rules shall be further developed.
List of Background Documents compiled by the Chairmen of CEN/TC250 Subcommittees: