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Eurocodes: Building the future
General publications

The Evolution of Eurocodes for Bridge Design


Publication date
Steve Denton, Georgios Tsionis
Publications Office of the European Union
Publication type
JRC report


This report presents the national experience in the implementation of the Eurocodes for the design of bridges along with a structured work plan, including prioritised topics and related research needs, for their evolution. Based on feedback collected from National Contacts, it appears that despite difficulties encountered in the process of national calibration, the implementation of the Eurocodes for bridge design is advanced as regards the publication of national standards and national annexes, the legal framework and training of students and the profession. There is high potential for further harmonisation, as shown by the uniform responses to technical questions and by the high percentage of acceptance of recommended values for the nationally determined parameters. It is noteworthy that most countries considered as priority the reduction of divergence from the recommended values. In response to the programming mandate in the field of Eurocodes, CEN/TC250 Horizontal Group “Bridges” (HG-B) proposed a five-year project to support the evolution of the Eurocodes for the design of bridges. It is foreseen first to prepare a technical report detailing proposals for improvement and development, to consult national standardization bodies, CEN-CENELEC technical committees and other scientific and technical bodies and ultimately to develop contributions in those areas where significant improvement can realistically be achieved within the available timescales. Based on experience and on the feedback collected from National Contacts, a priority list of items to consider for future development has been compiled, whereas specific topics and research needs to underpin the proposed work have been identified. The development of the proposed work areas will have positive impact on the safety of citizens in the built environment, on the functioning of the Internal Market for construction products and services and on the harmonisation of the European family of standards in the construction sector. The project will integrate research results and guidelines that are already available and will harmonise national initiatives. It will consider the effects of climate change, building on the experience of countries that have incorporated climate impacts in the selection of nationally determined parameters (e.g. wind maps). Finally, the project will fill gaps in the design of bridges carrying light rail and/or road traffic that are expected to expand in the context of sustainable transportation systems.

Background document

1st Generation


Not associated with a specific Eurocode