The JRC collects a wide range of references and publications related to the Eurocodes in a variety of formats and languages and aimed at a target audience of engineers, students and Standardization Bodies. You can browse books, manuals, designer’s guides, reports, other types of publications and presentations searching for each Eurocode or using the available options to search for publications of interest.
Guidance on the design for structural robustness
This JRC Technical Report presents scientific and technical background information to introduce the different aspects involved in structural robustness. Background information, state-of-the-art references and available provisions serve as a basis for further work towards a harmonized European view.
Circular Technologies in Construction
This JRC report refers to the 2023 PSIS workshop, focusing on Circular technologies for construction. It was organised with the support of DG GROW, the New European Bauhaus.
NEN webinars on the second generation Eurocodes
For further dissemination of information about the most important changes and planning of the second generation Eurocodes, NEN has set up a webpage with links to recordings and presentations of its previous training events and webinars. Watching and downloading is free.
JRC Report: Climate Change Impact on European Concrete Buildings
Long-Term Impact Assessment of Climate Change on Reinforced Concrete Structures in EU Member States
Design of Concrete Structures: Hormigón y Acero Vol. 74 N. 299-300 (2023) - Special Issue
This Special Issue is dedicated to the Second Generation Eurocode 2. The publication features 15 papers by members of the European Subcommittee CEN TC250/SC2 Eurocode 2 and the Spanish Mirror Group UNE CTN140/SC2 Eurocódigo 2. The papers are in English language, with Abstracts also in Spanish.
The Eurocodes Balkan Summer School 2021: Sharing Knowledge To Enhance Seismic Resilience
This JRC Conference and Workshop Report presents the scope, programme, conclusions and follow-up of the Eurocodes Balkan Summer School 2021 on the seismic design of concrete buildings
Harmonised procedure to update thermal loads in the Eurocodes. Case study for Italy
Methods based on European climate datasets to update thermal loads for design with the Eurocodes have been tested for Italy. European maps of climatic actions will help setup of national safety requirements, speeding up climate change adaptation of built environment.
Prospect for European Guidance for the Structural design of Tensile Membrane Structures
Within CEN/TC 250/WG 5, CEN/TC 248/WG 4, the TensiNet Association and COST Action TU1303, an international team of researchers, engineers, architects, material producers and manufacturers has been working on this report, to develop a Eurocode for the Structural Design of Tensile Membrane structures
The status and needs for implementation of Fire Safety Engineering approach in Europe
The need to implement the FSE approach is widely acknowledged in Europe. Work is needed to ensure the availability and feasibility of performance-based methods for fire design and the standardisation supporting the definition of design scenarios, design fire and safety criteria.
Prospects for designing tunnels and other underground structures in the context of the Eurocodes
Within the construction ecosystem, road and railway tunnels take an important share of the European infrastructure market, playing a central role in securing business continuity and supporting fast connections, especially for emergency services.