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Guidance on the design for structural robustness

Support to policies and standards for sustainable construction


Publication date
Andre, J., Anghileri, M., Belletti, B., Biondini, F., Caspeele, R., Demonceau, J., Izzuddin, B., Martinelli, P., Molkens, T., O'Connor, A., Parisi, F., Sio, J., Sousa, M.L., Thienpont, T.
Caspeele, R., Thienpont, T., Sousa, M.L.
Publications Office of the European Union
Publication type
JRC report
978-92-68-19818-6 (PDF)
1831-9424 (PDF)
10.2760/525 (online)
JRC Number


The JRC Technical  Report presents scientific and technical background information to introduce the different aspects involved in providing robustness of structures. It is intended to bring together references and ongoing work on the subject as well as stimulate debate. It presents background information, state-of-the-art references and discusses provisions in available guidelines. As such, it serves as a basis for further work to achieve a harmonized European view on the consideration of robustness in the design, execution and assessment of structures, under the shield of CEN/TC 250 'Structural Eurocodes'.

The report focuses on new-build construction, although the underlying principles also apply to existing structures. The report introduces the general principles of structural robustness, including concepts and terminology, hazards and damage scenarios as well as assessment of the consequences of failure. An overview is provided of current standardization and design guidelines in Europe as well as outside of Europe. Strengths and weaknesses in current provisions are discussed. State-of-the-art information is collected covering alternative design strategies, approaches and considerations. Specific information on strategies to improve robustness is outlined, including the importance of allowing for ageing and deterioration, and aspects related to multi-hazard design. Whilst robustness as a design principle covers a range of extreme design events, including seismic and fire, differences in design approaches for such exposures are also important to recognize. State-of-the-art research information is referenced where available. Finally, a series of novel proposals for robustness provisions is provided encompassing more detailed technical guidance concerning the tying force strategy, the alternative load path strategy, etc. are proposed to encourage discussion.


JRC138689 - Guidance on the design for structural robustness
(4.3 MB - PDF)


Not associated with a specific Eurocode