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Eurocodes: Building the future

Eurocode 1: Actions on structures

EN 1991 banner


EN 1991 Eurocode 1 provides comprehensive information on all actions that should normally be considered in the design of buildings and other civil engineering works, including some geotechnical aspects.

It is in four main parts, the first part being divided into sub-parts that cover densities, self-weight and imposed loads; actions due to fire; snow; wind; thermal actions; loads during execution and accidental actions. The remaining three parts cover traffic loads on bridges, actions by cranes and machinery and actions in silos and tanks.


EN 1991-1-1:2002 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-1: General actions - Densities, self-weight, imposed loads for buildings
EN 1991-1-2:2002 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-2: General actions - Actions on structures exposed to fire
EN 1991-1-3:2003 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-3: General actions - Snow loads
EN 1991-1-4:2005 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-4: General actions - Wind actions
EN 1991-1-5:2003 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-5: General actions - Thermal actions
EN 1991-1-6:2005 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-6: General actions - Actions during execution
EN 1991-1-7:2006 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-7: General actions - Accidental actions
EN 1991-2:2003 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 2: Traffic loads on bridges
EN 1991-3:2006 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 3: Actions induced by cranes and machinery
EN 1991-4: 2006 Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 4: Silos and tanks

EN 1991 is intended to be used in conjunction with EN 1992 to EN 1999 for the structural design of buildings and other civil engineering works.


Handbook 4 Design of bridges

In the present handbook, actions on bridges and load combinations according to Eurocode 1-2 are illustrated, stressing the philosophy and methodological criteria that have brought to the definition…

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EN 1990
EN 1991
EN 1992
EN 1993
EN 1994
EN 1995
EN 1996
EN 1997
EN 1998
EN 1999