The considerable interest in implementation and adoption of the Eurocodes in the Balkan region is based on the opportunity to have an advanced common standardization environment, which is adaptable to the particular requirements of each country with regard to the geographical, geological or climatic conditions and also allows selecting the level of safety. Moreover, adoption and implementation of Eurocodes will help the Candidate Countries to fully implement EU acquis at the time of accession and support Potential Candidate Countries to progressively align themselves with the EU acquis.
Training Materials
Thursday, 5 December, 2013 . Morning session
- Welcome address and introductionWelcome address and introduction
- Enlargement and Integration ActionEnlargement and Integration Action
F. Taucer – JRC European Commission
(on behalf of Mr. L. Zanier, DG, JRC, Interinstitutional and Stakeholder Relations Unit (A05))
- EU policies and legislation for the construction sectorEU policies and legislation for the construction sector
- CEN strategies and plans for a global acceptance of the EurocodesCEN strategies and plans for a global acceptance of the Eurocodes
- JRC support to the implementation of the EurocodesJRC support to the implementation of the Eurocodes
Thursday, 5 December, 2013 - Afternoon Session
- The Eurocodes: present and futureThe Eurocodes: present and future
- Experience in preparing the National Annexes in EU MSExperience in preparing the National Annexes in EU MS
- Existing instruments for funding and technical assistance (TAIEX)Existing instruments for funding and technical assistance (TAIEX)
Friday, 6 December, 2013 - Morning Session
- Country report – AlbaniaCountry report – Albania
- Country report – CroatiaCountry report – Croatia
V. Gacesa-Moric – Croatian Standard Institute & V. Rajcic – University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Country report – the former Yugoslav Republic of MacedoniaCountry report – the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
Friday, 6 December, 2013 - Afternoon Session
- Country report – MontenegroCountry report – Montenegro
- Country report – Bosnia and HerzegovinaCountry report – Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Summary of the QuestionnairesSummary of the Questionnaires
This report addresses the activities carried out for the adoption and implementation of the Eurocodes in the non-EU countries in the Balkan region within the context of the Enlargement and Integration Action of the JRC.
The considerable interest in the implementation and adoption of the Eurocodes in the Balkan region is based on the opportunity to have an advanced common standardization environment, which is adaptable to the particular requirements of each country with regard to the geographical, geological or climatic conditions and also allows selecting the level of safety. Moreover, adoption and implementation of Eurocodes will help the Candidate Countries to fully implement EU acquis at the time of accession and support Potential Candidate Countries to progressively align themselves with the EU acquis.
The main objective of the activities presented herein was to focus on progress and specific needs for adoption and implementation of the Eurocodes and related EN standards in the Balkan region. Generally, it may be concluded that most of the non-EU countries in the Balkan region are going to use the Eurocodes as primary standards. These countries are aware about needs for harmonization of national legislation and standardization framework for construction with EU legislation. However, in most of the countries there is a lack of relevant institutional support for adoption and implementation of the Eurocodes.