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Eurocodes: Building the future

Database of Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs)

The database with the Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs) adopted in countries implementing the Eurocodes constitutes the basis for the analysis of the NDPs


The database with the Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs) adopted in countries implementing the EN Eurocodes constitutes the basis for the analysis of the NDPs and the definition of strategies to achieve further convergence and consequently at facilitating the achievement of the European single market for construction works and structural construction products.


The Eurocodes acknowledge the responsibility of Member States' regulatory authorities in determining national values related to regulatory safety matters, providing national choices with full sets of recommended values, classes, symbols, and alternative methods for use as Nationally Determined Parameters.

The database for uploading the Nationally Determined Parameters was created by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) in the framework of the Administrative Arrangement with DG GROW in view of implementing the concerned parts of the Commission Recommendation 2003/887/EC, on the implementation and use of Eurocodes for construction works and structural construction products, namely in notifying the Commission on the NDPs. 

Scope and structure

The  Nationally Determined Parameters database constitutes the basis for the analysis of the NDPs and for the definition of strategies tending to achieve further convergence and consequently aiming at facilitating the achievement of the European Single Market for construction works and structural construction products. The upload of the NDPs for each country is made by the National Authority, which may delegate the task on the corresponding National Standardization Body (NSB). The national authority (or the NSB's acting on its behalf) certifies to be in the position to allow the use of the uploaded NDPs for the Purpose and within the scope of the Commission Recommendation 2003/887/EC.

NDPs Webpage structure
NDPs database structure

Access to the NDPs database

The site has restricted and controlled access and it is administrated by the JRC. The information contained in this NDPs database is only provided to the authorised users and cannot, in any circumstances and by any means, be transmitted to third parties.

The access policy operates with five groups: 

  1. The interested Commission Services (DG GROW, DG JRC); 
  2. CEN/TC 250 Coordination group and its 10 Sub-Committees; 
  3. The interested national authorities (NAs);
  4. National Standardization Bodies (NSBs);
  5. Possible others to be defined by the Commission.

The policy agreed to access to the NDPs database is the following: 

National authorities or National Standardization Bodies, must state if all database users (open view) can see their NDPs or if the view is restricted to groups 1 and 2 (restricted view). The open view choice will allow to see the NDPs from the other countries that have chosen open view, while the restricted view choice allows to access to the own country NDPs only. Open view access is highly recommended to get full benefits of the NDPs database.

Registration Procedure Guidance

This guidance aims to assist authorized users in uploading the National Determined Parameters (NDPs) adopted in the European Union, European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Member States, and other third countries implementing or in the process of implementing the EN Eurocodes into the NDPs database.

For each country, there must be:

  • One contact person within the competent national authority.
  • At least one expert responsible for uploading the NDPs.
  • Possibly, other experts who are not appointed to upload but have view access to the database. 

Step-by-Step Registration Process:

  1. National authority's (NA) designated contact person must fill out and sign a form for national authorities (Form 1) and send it to the JRC via the NDP FMB (
  2. Experts appointed by the national authority (as users with upload access or view access) must fill out and sign a second form for users (Form 2) and send it to the JRC via the NDP FMB ( To grant access to the NDP database, the forms must be clearly filled in and have a readable signature.
  3. JRC NDPs database administrators authorize experts, provide instructions for accessing the database through EULogin, and send the 'Manual for Uploading' the NDPs as the final step.
Registration procedure_N

The designated contact person of the national authority and the experts appointed by the national authority must contact JRC via the NDP functional mailbox (FMB) to obtain the necessary forms for completion and signature.

JRC NDPs database registrations

As of 17th June 2024, the progress of uploading the NDPs database shows that 41 countries worldwide have registered. This includes 27 EU Member States, 3 European Free Trade Association (EFTA) Member States (Iceland, Norway, and Switzerland), and 11 other countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Kosovo*, Malaysia, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, TΓΌrkiye, and the UK). Malaysia registered to the database in the framework of the EU-ASEAN Eurocodes Dialogue and was the last country to register in January 2023.

The status of registrations in the database illustrates the broad international scope and engagement with the database, highlighting the cooperation and dedication to sharing and accessing crucial information on national choices on EN Eurocodes, while also establishing strategies to promote convergence and facilitate the European Single Market for construction works and products. It is an instrumental tool for promoting and facilitating studies on convergence within neighbouring countries.

Spiral Graph_Countries registered to the JRC NDPs database by 15.06.2024.
Countries registered to the JRC NDPs database by 17 June, 2024.           
NDPs upload percentage_Last update: 17 June 2024.
Percentage of NDPs uploaded by each country by 17 June, 2024.

Kosovo*:  (*) This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.