The JRC collects a wide range of references and publications related to the Eurocodes in a variety of formats and languages and aimed at a target audience of engineers, students and Standardization Bodies. You can browse books, manuals, designer’s guides, reports, other types of publications and presentations searching for each Eurocode or using the available options to search for publications of interest.
Design of civil engineering structures. Concrete structures. Project ESF JPD 3 2004/1-017. Increasing of competiveness of workers in civil engineering in European labour market
Manual to enable easy application of Eurocodes in practice.
Design of civil engineering structures. Fire resistance. Project ESF JPD 3 2004/1-017. Increasing of competiveness of workers in civil engineering in European labour market
Manual to enable easy application of Eurocodes in practice.
Design of civil engineering structures. Concrete tanks and silos. Project ESF JPD 3 2004/1-017. Increasing of competiveness of workers in civil engineering in European labour market
Manual to enable easy application of Eurocodes in practice.
Design of civil engineering structures. Timber bridges. Project ESF JPD 3 2004/1-017. Increasing of competiveness of workers in civil engineering in European labour market
Manual to enable easy application of Eurocodes in practice.
Design of civil engineering structures. Composite steel and concrete bridges. Project ESF JPD 3 2004/1-017. Increasing of competiveness of workers in civil engineering in European labour market
Manual to enable easy application of Eurocodes in practice.
Design of civil engineering structures. Steel bridges. Project ESF JPD 3 2004/1-017. Increasing of competiveness of workers in civil engineering in European labour market
Manual to enable easy application of Eurocodes in practice.
Design of civil engineering structures. Concrete bridges. Project ESF JPD 3 2004/1-017. Increasing of competiveness of workers in civil engineering in European labour market
Manual to enable easy application of Eurocodes in practice.
Design of civil engineering structures. Action on bridges. Project ESF JPD 3 2004/1-017. Increasing of competiveness of workers in civil engineering in European labour market
Manual to enable easy application of Eurocodes in practice.
Design of civil engineering structures. Design principles and action. Project ESF JPD 3 2004/1-017. Increasing of competiveness of workers in civil engineering in European labour market
Manual to enable easy application of Eurocodes in practice.
Eurocode 7-1 - Practical examples Part 1 (General principles, retaining structures, overall stability)
Since July 2009 Eurocode 7, part 1: general rules and part 2: ground investigation and testing are considered state of technology for planning and execution of geotechnical works such as spread and…