The JRC collects a wide range of references and publications related to the Eurocodes in a variety of formats and languages and aimed at a target audience of engineers, students and Standardization Bodies. You can browse books, manuals, designer’s guides, reports, other types of publications and presentations searching for each Eurocode or using the available options to search for publications of interest.
Shear Connections in Composite Flexural Members of Steel and Concrete
It's now available the book Shear Connections in Composite Flexural Members of Steel and Concrete. A unified theory on composite behaviour of flexural members made of components with different…
Design of Steel Structures for Buildings in Seismic Areas
The book deals with the seismic design of steel structures based on EN 1998-1 (2004). It contains the essentials of theoretical background of seismic engineering, design requirements and detailing…

Design of joints in steel and composite structures
This volume elucidates the design rules for connections in steel and composite structures which are set out in Eurocode 3 and 4. Numerous examples illustrate the application of the respective design rule.
Design of Steel Structures
This book is the first in a series of Brazil – Portugal joint publications, a series we believe will be extremely helpful in guiding the Brazilian structural engineers through the changes that the…
Design of Steel Structures
This book details the fundamental concepts of Eurocode 3, Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings and their practical application. Following a discussion of the Eurocode 3 basis of design,…
Eurocodes: background and applications. Elaboration of maps for climatic and seismic actions for structural design with the Eurocodes
Activities for promotion of policies for sustainable construction in the Balkan region.
Guidance for countries adopting the Eurocodes.
State-of-the-art material to elaborate maps for seismic and…
Towards new European snow load map
The Mandate M/515 of the European Commission to CEN requested the assessment of the climate change implications for the Eurocodes, the European standards for structural design. The European…
Design Guidelines for Connections of Precast Structures under Seismic Actions
This document represents a set of practical guidelines for the design of the mechanical connections in precast elements under seismic actions. As a final outcome of the project …
The European construction sector. A global partner
This is an updated version of the brochure "The European construction sector. A global partner" that was published in 2014. It presents the integrated approach of European policies for the…
Elements of reliability of constructions. Introduction to Eurocodes.
Abstract only available in original language