The JRC collects a wide range of references and publications related to the Eurocodes in a variety of formats and languages and aimed at a target audience of engineers, students and Standardization Bodies. You can browse books, manuals, designer’s guides, reports, other types of publications and presentations searching for each Eurocode or using the available options to search for publications of interest.
The Evolution of Eurocodes for Bridge Design
This report presents the national experience in the implementation of the Eurocodes for the design of bridges along with a structured work plan, including prioritised topics and related research…
Choice of Steel Material to Avoid Brittle Fracture for Hollow Section Structures
European cold-formed hollow sections in general exhibit better toughness properties than required by EN 10219. However, limits in applying the toughness related rules for the choice of steel material…
Choice of steel material for bridge bearings to avoid brittle fracture
Bridge bearings need verification against brittle failure at low temperatures. The design of bearings according to EN 1337 may lead to structural components with thicknesses no longer covered in the…
Eurocode 8: Seismic Design of Buildings
JRC support to the implementation, harmonization and further development of the Eurocodes
This document is a Technical Report with worked examples for seismic design of buildings following the…
Bridge Design to Eurocodes - Worked examples
JRC support to the implementation, harmonization and further development of the Eurocodes
This document is a Technical Report with worked examples for a bridge structure designed following the…
Fatigue Design of Steel and Composite Structures
This volume addresses the specific subject of fatigue, a subject not familiar to many engineers, but still relevant for proper and good design of numerous steel structures. It explains all issues…
Design of concrete buildings. Workshop with worked examples
Published in: Design of concrete buildings. Workshop with worked examples
Conceptual Fire Design and assessment
Published in: Design of concrete buildings. Workshop with worked examples
Geotechnical design
Published in: Design of concrete buildings. Workshop with worked examples
Detailing of the reinforcement
Published in: Design of concrete buildings. Workshop with worked examples