In Singapore, the Eurocodes are the only standards for structural design since 2015 and many National Annexes have been issued. The library of the National University of Singapore provides a summary of the adopted Eurocode parts.
By means of the E-READI instrument, Singapore is engaged in sharing best practices and advice for a transition of other ASEAN MS. In 2023, the Regional Workshop 'Raising Awareness of the Eurocodes and Elaboration of Climatic Maps and Adaptation of Structural Design to Climate Change' took place in Singapore as the first hybrid event (in person and online) of the E-READI Eurocodes Dialogue. This format allowed strengthening the personal contacts between the stakeholders, while accommodating a large number of online participants. In total, over 180 designated participants attended the event, with 46 of them being in person in the meeting room. All ASEAN Member States had representatives at the Workshop, with the top 3 countries by the number of participants being Cambodia (98), Thailand (22), Brunei Darussalam (19) and Malaysia (19).