CEN, the European Committee for Standardization, is one of three European Standardization Organizations (together with CENELEC and ETSI) that have been officially recognized by the European Union and by the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) as being responsible for developing and defining voluntary standards at European level.
CEN is an association that brings together the National Standardization Bodies of 34 European countries.
In addition to the full Members, CEN has Associate Members which are broad-based European organisations, representing particular sectors of industry as well as consumers, environmentalists, workers, and small and medium-sized enterprises.
National Standardisation Bodies from EU neighbouring countries which have links with EU or EFTA are participating in CEN with an Affiliate status, while those unlikely to become CEN Members or Affiliates for political or geographical reasons, may become Partner Standardization Bodies.
The European Commission and the EFTA secretariat act as CEN's Counsellors for policy issues.
The EN Eurocodes are developed under the guidance and co-ordination of CEN Technical Committee 250 (CEN/TC250) "Structural Eurocodes". Delegates of the CEN National Members are represented in CEN/TC250 and its Subcommittees.
CEN/TC250 has the overall responsibility for all CEN work on structural design codes. Also, it is the responsibility of CEN/TC250 and its Sub-Committees (SCs), under the CEN rules, to maintain the EN Eurocodes within their remit.
It is the responsibility of CEN/TC250 and its Chairman to manage all the work, including establishment of general policies, programmes and strategies for the Eurocodes, and to oversee their implementation. Also to support and guide the Subcommittees in achieving those policies objectives in the drafting work. The CEN/TC250 has:
- Chairman: Steve Denton
- Vice Chair: Gerhard Breitschaft
- Secretariat: Tracey Wilkins [The British Standards Institution]
- CEN Programme Manager: Pavlina Karagianni
CEN/TC250 is made up by the Coordination Group, Management Group, Chairman's Advisory Panel(s), two Horizontal Groups, five Working Groups and eleven Subcommittees.
Download the latest CEN/TC250 Business Plan:
CEN/TC250 organogram