- Publication date
- Language
- Authors
- S. Dimova, M. Fuchs, A. Pinto, B. Nikolova, L. Sousa, S. Iannaccone
- Publisher
- Publication office of the European Union
- Publication type
- Dissemination & Training Material
The report presents the results of the enquiry on the implementation of the Eurocodes in the EU Member States and Norway, which was performed by DG GROW and DG JRC of the European Commission in 2014-2015. The analysis of the state of implementation of the Eurocodes in the EU Member States and Norway concludes that in 23 EU Member States and in Norway the Eurocodes are implemented. The identified restrictions imposed by existing National Regulations which define technical rules different from the provisions of the Eurocodes, indicate that there is need of a Commission Recommendation on the regulatory environment for use of the Eurocodes.
Not associated with a specific Eurocode