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Eurocodes: Building the future
General publications

The implementation of the Eurocodes in the National Regulatory Framework


Publication date
Markova, J; Athanasopoulou, A; Formichi, P; Lurvink, M; Spehl, P; Dabizheva, I; Calgaro, J.A; Dimova, S; Apostolska, R; Sousa, M.L; Pinto, A; Sumarac, D; Croce, P; Malakatas, N; Gacesa-Moric, V
Publication Office of the European Union
Publication type
JRC report


The report provides general information on the concept of the Eurocodes implementation in the regulatory system and discusses case studies of EU Member States that have successfully implemented the Eurocodes in their national regulatory system. The report also highlights the experience of designers on using the Eurocodes by presenting simple application examples. Moreover, the state of the Eurocodes implementation in the non˗EU Balkan countries is presented, based on the information exchanged and collected during the Workshop "The way forward for the Eurocodes implementation in the Balkans" (10˗11 October 2018 in Tirana, Albania), along with the activities of the Engineering Chambers in support of the Eurocodes implementation. The way towards the publication of the Second Generation of the Eurocodes, expected after 2021, is also discussed.


Not associated with a specific Eurocode