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Eurocodes: Building the future
News article31 March 2022

Eurocodes Awareness Workshop Cambodia

Eurocodes Awareness Workshop Cambodia banner

On 24-25 March 2022, the “Eurocodes Awareness Workshop Cambodia” took place online in the context of the EU-ASEAN Eurocodes Dialogue. The EU-ASEAN Dialogue on the Eurocodes is established through a multi-annual concept note with the ASEAN Buildings and Construction Working Group (BCWG) and JRC in the framework of the EU-funded Enhanced Regional EU-ASEAN Dialogue Instrument (E-READI).The Eurocodes Dialogue aims to bring a coherent approach across the ASEAN Member States (AMS) to the adoption of the Eurocodes. 

The EU-ASEAN Dialogue on the Eurocodes was officially launched with a Eurocodes Introductory workshop addressed to all ASEAN MS in June 2021, aiming to initiate the collaboration between the region on the Eurocodes. The workshop highlighted that ASEAN Member States are currently being at various stages of awareness on the Eurocodes concepts and/or their adoption at national level. Thus, following the introductory workshop, the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction and the Institute of Standards of Cambodia expressed interest in an Eurocodes awareness event dedicated to the interest and needs of Cambodia.

More than 110 participants from national authorities, national standardisation body and the private sector in Cambodia became more familiar with the Eurocodes and discussed on the technical aspects and tools available for adopting and using the Eurocodes. Success stories on the adoption of the Eurocodes by non-EU countries (Singapore and Serbia) offered best practice examples of the necessary steps for the Eurocodes adoption, linking to regulatory and standardisation frameworks, training programmes, and maintenance. The participants came away also with a glimpse into the future generation of the Eurocodes addressing new material and emerging issues, including the adaptation of structural design to climate change.

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Publication date
31 March 2022
Not associated with a specific Eurocode
Not associated with a specific Eurocode