The JRC collects a wide range of references and publications related to the Eurocodes in a variety of formats and languages and aimed at a target audience of engineers, students and Standardization Bodies. You can browse books, manuals, designer’s guides, reports, other types of publications and presentations searching for each Eurocode or using the available options to search for publications of interest.
Designers' Guide to EN 1994-1-1: Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures, Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings
This Designer's guide provides the user with guidance on the interpretation and use of EN 1994-1-1 through worked examples in relation to rules for buildings, structural fire design and for bridges…
Design of structures according to Eurocodes
Textbook to enable easy application of all nine prestandard Eurocodes in the practice. It contains 7 chapters.
ULS and SLS design of embedded walls according to Eurocode 7
Published in: Proceedings 13th European Conference Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
Implementation of structural Eurocodes in the UK
This publication aims to explain the phased introduction of Eurocodes and how they will be used nationally for the design of civil and structural engineering works and their parallel use in some…
Cracking in concrete tension flanges of composite T-beams: tests and Eurocode 4
Published in: The Structural Engineer, vol. 81, No. 4
Geotechnical Design to Eurocode 7
Abstract not available
Reliability and risk in the new European building codes
Published in: Catastrophe Risk Management
EUROCODES 2-4-6. Common European standards for design civil engineering structures prEN 1992-1-1, prEN 1994-1-1, prEN 1996-1-1
Handbook to enable easy application of all nine prestandard Eurocodes in the practice. It contains 3 parts with 29 chapters.
Design of steel portal frames for Europe
This publication provides guidance on the design of steel portal frame buildings to both the specifier and the designer. It is targeted at the single-storey construction market in continental Europe,…
Influence of concrete cracking on the serviceability limit state design of steel-reinforced concrete composite bridges: tests and models
Published in: Composite Bridges - Proceedings of the 3rd International Meeting