The JRC collects a wide range of references and publications related to the Eurocodes in a variety of formats and languages and aimed at a target audience of engineers, students and Standardization Bodies. You can browse books, manuals, designer’s guides, reports, other types of publications and presentations searching for each Eurocode or using the available options to search for publications of interest.
Zavedenie európskych noriem pre navrhovanie stavebných konštrukcií v Slovenskej Republike
Abstract only available in original language
ENV Eurokódy
Abstract only available in original language
EN Eurokódy
Abstract only available in original language
EN Eurokódy zavedené do sústavy stn
Abstract only available in original language
Normy pre zhotovovanie ocel'ových a hliníkových stavebných konštrukcií
Abstract only available in original language
Eurocodes 0-1. Common European standards for design of structures
Manual to enable easy application of Eurocodes in the practice.
Handbook 1 Basis of structural design
Handbook 1 is focused European Commission legislative instruments on construction and on Basis of Structural Design related to head Eurocodes EN 19990. The following topics are treated in particular:…
Structural use of aluminium alloys in civil engineering
Published in: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation (SEMC 2004)
Eurocode 9 approach for cross-sectional classification of aluminium alloy members
Published in: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Aluminium Structural Design (INALCO 2004)
Designers' Guide to EN 1997-1 Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design - General rules
Designers' Guide to EN 1997-1 presents a detailed guide to the new Geotechnical Design Eurocode. As such it gives an invaluable insight into a code that, for the first time, provides a comprehensive…