The JRC collects a wide range of references and publications related to the Eurocodes in a variety of formats and languages and aimed at a target audience of engineers, students and Standardization Bodies. You can browse books, manuals, designer’s guides, reports, other types of publications and presentations searching for each Eurocode or using the available options to search for publications of interest.
The Eurocodes: What are they?
An introduction to the Eurocodes and their development in the future. Benefits for consumers and business and opportunities for the profession arising from the implementation of the Eurocodes.
The Eurocodes: Use outside EU
This booklet is addressed to countries outside the CEN area who wish to implement the Eurocodes for the design of construction works and products.
The role of EN 1990: the key head Eurocode
This booklet describes the objectives, assumptions and major concepts of EN 1990. The principles of limit state design are complemented with details on the verification of Ultimate and Serviceability…
The Eurocodes: Implementation and use
This booklet explains the procedure for the National implementation of the Eurocodes, including details on the National Annex and the Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs).
Basis for Design of Structures, Handbook to EN 1990
Abstract not available
Eurokód EN 1999. pre navrhovanie konštrukcií z hliníkových zliatin - materiál
Abstract only available in original language
Eurokód EN 1999. pre navrhovanie konštrukcií z hliníkových zliatin - materiál 2.časť
Abstract only available in original language
Navrhovanie konštrukcií na účinky požiaru časť 1 - úvod a EN 1993-1-2
Abstract only available in original language
Navrhovanie konštrukcií na účinky požiaru časť 2 - EN 1992-1-2, EN 1994-1-2, EN 1995-1-2, EN 1996-1-2 a env 1999-1-2
Abstract only available in original language
Dalšie informácie. z poduja CEN , brusel 2008
Abstract only available in original language