The JRC collects a wide range of references and publications related to the Eurocodes in a variety of formats and languages and aimed at a target audience of engineers, students and Standardization Bodies. You can browse books, manuals, designer’s guides, reports, other types of publications and presentations searching for each Eurocode or using the available options to search for publications of interest.
The Eurocodes: Supporting EU Policies & Increasing Competitiveness
The booklet explains how the Eurocodes provide support to a number of EU policies, namely the internal market, safety of consumers, competition, Research and Development, growth and jobs, external…
The Eurocodes and Construction Products
Based on the provisions of the Construction Products Directive, this booklet describes the European system for standardisation and attestation of products leading to CE Marking and higlhights the…
Guida all'Eurocodice. Criteri generali di progettazione strutturale: EN 1990
Abstract only available in original language
Hot-dip-zinc-coating of prefabricated structural steel components
Joint report prepared under the JRC-ECCS cooperation agreement for the evolution of Eurocode 3.
This JRC-Scientific and Technical Report gives information from pre-normative research for methods…
Steel Building Design: Introduction to the Eurocodes
SCI, BCSA and Tata Steel have undertaken the preparation of a series of guidance publications to assist designers in the design of steel-framed buildings in accordance with the Eurocodes.This…
Design of timber structures
This book, the first in this topic being edited in Portugal, emphasizes the mechanical issues, relevant for the structural engineering practitioners, rather than other technical aspects such as…
Schôdza Eurocode national correspondent group
Abstract only available in original language
Eurocodes v Európe a international codes v usa
Abstract only available in original language
Eurokódy atrvalá udržateľnosť v stavebníctve
Abstract only available in original language
Eurocode 7-1 - Practical examples Part 1 (General principles, retaining structures, overall stability)
Abstract only available in original language