The JRC collects a wide range of references and publications related to the Eurocodes in a variety of formats and languages and aimed at a target audience of engineers, students and Standardization Bodies. You can browse books, manuals, designer’s guides, reports, other types of publications and presentations searching for each Eurocode or using the available options to search for publications of interest.
Introduction to the workshop
Published in: Workshop on Bridge Design to Eurocodes with Worked examples
Eurocodes: Implementation and further development
Published in: Workshop on Bridge Design to Eurocodes with Worked examples
The present and future of the Eurocodes
Published in: Workshop on Bridge Design to Eurocodes with Worked examples
Design of masonry structures according to Eurocode STN EN 1996-1-1
Textbook with numerical examples to enable easy application of Eurocodes in the practice.
Design of timber structures according to Eurocode STN EN 1995-1-1
Textbook with numerical examples to enable easy application of Eurocodes in the practice.
Fire resistance of civil engineering structures according to Eurocodes tables
Textbook with numerical examples to enable easy application of Eurocodes in the practice.
Design of composite steel and concrete bridges according to Eurocode STN EN 1994-2 and Eurocodes
Abstract only available in original language
Design of geotechnical structures according to Eurocodes
Textbook with numerical examples to enable easy application of Eurocodes in the practice.
Design of steel bridges according to STN EN 1993-2 and relating Eurocodes
Textbook with numerical examples to enable easy application of Eurocodes in the practice. It includes 9 chapters relating to STN EN 1990, STN EN 1990/A1, STN EN 1991-1-4, STN EN 1991-2, STN EN 1993-1…
Structural fire design - Examples
Textbook with numerical examples to enable easy application of Eurocodes in the practice.