The JRC collects a wide range of references and publications related to the Eurocodes in a variety of formats and languages and aimed at a target audience of engineers, students and Standardization Bodies. You can browse books, manuals, designer’s guides, reports, other types of publications and presentations searching for each Eurocode or using the available options to search for publications of interest.
Limit and Serviceability Limit State Design
Published in: Design of concrete buildings. Workshop with worked examples
Structural Analysis
Published in: Design of concrete buildings. Workshop with worked examples
Description, Actions, Durability, Materials and Conceptual Design
Published in: Design of concrete buildings. Workshop with worked examples
Welcome Address
Published in: Design of concrete buildings. Workshop with worked examples
Seismic Design of Buildings. Workshop with worked examples
Published in: Seismic Design of Buildings. Workshop with worked examples
Eurocode 8 Part 3. Assessment and retrofitting of buildings
Published in: Seismic Design of Buildings. Workshop with worked examples
Base isolation: overview of key concepts and illustration of design
Published in: Seismic Design of Buildings. Workshop with worked examples
Design of concrete foundation elements
Published in: Seismic Design of Buildings. Workshop with worked examples
Local effects due to infills. Design and detailing of secondary seismic elements. Provisions for concrete diaphragms
Published in: Seismic Design of Buildings. Workshop with worked examples
Specific rules for design and detailing of concrete buildings. Design for DCM and DCH. Illustration of elements design
Published in: Seismic Design of Buildings. Workshop with worked examples