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Eurocodes: Building the future
Conferences and summits

JRC Eurocodes Balkan Summer School on Seismic design of concrete buildings

JRC supports the non-EU Balkan region to build capacities for adapting national legislation in the field of construction to the EU legal framework. Starting in 2013, the JRC has organized specialized workshops and provided scientific and technical support to the non-EU Balkan region partners for the adoption and implementation of the European standards for structural design - the Eurocodes (EN 1990 to EN 1999).


Now, it is time to join us for the first edition of the JRC Eurocodes Balkan Summer School, organised by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) and its Safety and Security of Buildings Unit, addressing the theme of seismic design of concrete buildings.

Practical information

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- Europe/Rome
Central Europe/Rome
Joint Research Centre
