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Eurocodes: Building the future
General publications

Design of Structural Elements to Eurocodes


Publication date
M C McKenzie, W.
Palgrave macmillan
Publication type
Book & Designer Guide


Thoroughly revised and updated, the second edition of this well-respected book provides a comprehensive and detailed coverage of structural design and is ideal for undergraduates in all years of civil engineering and structural engineering related courses. In addition it provides a useful reference text for practicing engineers intending to become familiar and up-to-date with the most recent structural Eurocodes. The text provides a detailed study of design using the four most important materials for construction: concrete, steel, timber and masonry. Design of Structural Elementsis fully up-to-date for the structural Eurocodesfeatures a wealth of practical problems and real-world examplesincludes more than 500 easy-to-follow diagramscomprehensively covers all the key topics, including a detailed section on structural analysisTranslating theory into practice with numerous worked examples, this user-friendly text is an indispensable resource both for students and for practising engineers looking to refresh their knowledge.

Original publication

Original title
Design of Structural Elements to Eurocodes


Not associated with a specific Eurocode